Corduroy - Don Freeman

Corduroy is an adorable and heart warming tale of a stuffed teddy bear who lives at a department store. This bear is looked over by most shoppers because he is "imperfect," he is missing one of the buttons to his overalls. One night, Corduroy sneaks out of the toy department and finds himself trying to take a button off of a mattress to use as his second button. Though even without it, a young girl sees Corduroy on the shelf and falls in love with him and takes him home with her. There, the girl gives Corduroy a new button all his own. I would use this book in my classroom to lead a discussion of celebrating differences, and how material or visual differences do not make someone imperfect or unworthy of time, love, or respect. This book has a Scholastic Reading Grade Level Equivalent of 3.5.